Friday, March 22, 2013

Metal Head

Tthe turles were fighting  the alien robots called the krang.

Middle- What's the problem?
Donny's weapon  breaks  in  the middle of the fight the ninja turles start to lose.  Donny creats a new weapon.

End- How did they Fix the problem?
 My brother Doony came to the rescue.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

My Favorite Video Game

Title: Hockey for Wii

 My friend's brother came over once and fixed the Wii for me.

When I play the hockey game on Wii I get to pick my favorite team.

I like to pick the Capitals because they are from Washington D.C.
I have never seen a real hockey game before.

For this game I have to stand up with a controller to play the game.
This game is easy for me to play. My team always wins.

Monday, March 18, 2013

My Weekend

I went to the Teen Center. I saw Micheal, Asia, Ashley and CJ. I watched TMNT in the Cafe.

I ate McDonalds for dinner. I had Chicken Nuggets, French Fries and Lemonade.

I woke up and watched two episodes of TMNT.

The  second episode was better because April was in it.

My Favorite part of the episode  was when the Turtles fought Zeber and Chris Bradford.


I had Fruit Loops for breakfast. My Aunt Dion came over to visit. I opened the door for her and she gave me a kiss on the cheek.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

My Favorite Ninja Turtle

Full Name: Michelangelo
 Nickname: Mikey

Color: Orange   

Favorite Food: Pepperoni pizza      

Weapon: Nunchucks   

Known as: Party Dude 

Likes to say : Booyahkasha  

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Tutrle Temper

Episode number 2: Turtle Temper

When doe sthe episode take place? Nightime

Who is in the episode?
  • Mikey, his tutrle borthers (Leo, Donny and Raf)
  • Master Splinter
  • The Crang: alien robots
  • Old man

Where were the turtles in this episode?
  • top of the building
  • on the street
  • in the van
  • at home- tutrles lair
  • Crang's hideout

What happened in the episode?

1) Turtles were waiting on the buliding for the Crang robots

2) Old man in another builindg saw the TMNT and called us "Kung Fu Frongs"- they are not frongs!

3) The Crang were stealing some green materials so we fought them. They got away with the old man who came out of his building and he took a video of his fighting.

4) Raf went back home and talked to Master Splinter.

5) Mikey, Leo, and  Donny went to fight the Crang in their hideout.

6) The old man had been turned into a spider by the Crang. So they fought the spider. The spider spit out yellow goo that melted the floor.

7) Raf showed up and resuced the turtles. They defeat the spider together.