Friday, April 12, 2013

Episode Review: I Think His Name is Baxter Stockman

At the  begining Master  Splinter  Grounded  the  turtles  for  skate boarding in the house.  They were grounded  for one   week.

In the middle of   the episode the turtles  sneak out  of  their  lair. Raf  wants to find  a good  place to  skate. They  found Baxster Stock man, who  is a  vilian.

In the end  of  the episode  the turtles fight  Baxster.  They   threw him   in  the  trash  after   they  defeated  him.   then  the  police  show  up   and   the  turtles  went  home.   Master  Splinter  pounded    us   in   the  ground   for   being   sleepy.

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